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Doors Can't BE shut

What will Rotary service be like if physical (social) distancing continues to be the norm and big gatherings are still prohibited to contain and mitigate the pandemic? How will our Rotary clubs continue serving our communities?


The word service in Rotary will always be equated with physical presence and contact with fellow Rotarians in the actual implementation of our community projects. Since the Enhanced Community Quarantine is still ongoing in Luzon, I think not having to meet with your team and Rotarians in the district changes the landscape and meaning of service. But that does not we mean we will not be able to render service to our fellow men and the community in our beloved District 3770. 


At the time that the Community Quarantine was implemented last March 16, 2020, we thought we will never be as productive because of the lockdown. Then, 2 weeks passed by, I had to make a conscious effort of dealing with our postponed PETS last March 14, 2020 and make use of technology. I will not allow Covid 19 to spoil my 36 months of preparation for the Rotary Year 2020-2021. This was not part of my preparation but as the saying goes " the show must go on". Now, online learning or webinar is in the horizon of our Area for the first time since we became an established District of Rotary. Both PETS/DTTS and DISTAS training happened online. Through the use of technology, the district will broadcast training sessions of highly effective speakers to boost confidence of all the attendees. Plus, reading materials will be sent to the participants and online quizzes will also be handed over to ensure quality learning.  

What are we learning from the quarantine experience in terms of the four imperatives of our Rotary strategic plan: REACH, IMPACT, ENGAGE, and ADAPT?  In what ways can we leverage these lessons and insights into our 2020-2021 action plan?


This is the 1st time that I experienced staying home for (37 days as of this writing). We may consider ourselves DGEs of RY 2020-2021 unfortunate because a pandemic happened in our time and year of Service. But at the same time lucky that Infront of us are an array of choices of which technology and social media platform are we going to avail of in making the Rotary Strategic Plan of REACH, IMPACT, ENGAGE AND ADAPT. 


This quarantine has thought me to be resilient more than ever.  To never accept the Pandemic as a misfortune but as an added test of our Leadership capability. I can choose to stay home and do nothing, or I can stay home and make myself productive, focused on what I originally prepared for. 


To talk about REACH, while I did several video conferences with my Execom, we were able to conceptualize a Social Media initiative of connecting the Governor to the entire District 3770 by hosting a Rotary TV via Facebook. The Rotary TV features the Governor, District officers and Champion presidents’ community projects. The rise of Rotary TV paved the way for the district and clubs to connect and showcase their passionate service for their own communities during this pandemic.  The maiden episode of course was the State of the District Address by our District Governor Jon Alonzo. That made the Champion Team's project more Impactful for in times of No Physical meeting, fellow Rotarians and the community learned about the initiatives of Rotarians in our District.

This way, we were able to ENGAGE the District Leaders, Club Presidents and their respective communities. Because of the new method, the encouragement to connect to the world overflowed. After 5 weeks, we were already ADAPTING to the new NORMAL.  And this to me is the PREVIEW of our year of Service. We will maximize technology and explore new ways to connect virtually. We will definitely open new opportunities of service to humanity.


PP Erwin Veneracion

In the midst of quarantine and social distancing, the wheel of Rotary service continues to roll. In a simple yet meaningful and commemorative ceremony, IPDG Bienvenido “Jon” Alonzo, Jr. transferred the baton of leadership of District 3770 to DG Gil Dindo Berino last June 27, 2020 at Regina Assumpta Kid's Academy, Cabanatuan City. Several district officers and Transforming Presidents, DG Dindo’s family and members of RC Cabanatuan North were present during the handover.


In his valedictory address. IPDG Jon Alonzo shared that in spite of the various calamities that affected the country and the world, it did not hamper the drive to further deliver projects for our communities. And even the pandemic took over the world, it only strengthened the spirit to help the most needy. The many club initiative projects to help the frontliners and provide initial basic necessities have shown the true colors of a Rotarian. He also gave due credit to The Rotary Foundation for the District Relief Grants and approval of three Global Grants that made effective impact in the quest to battle the virus in our communities.


This was followed by the handover of leadership. DG Dindo was sworn into office by Past Rotary International Dir. Guiller Tumangan via zoom. Meanwhile, DG Dindo in his inaugural speech, thanked the Rotarians who made commitments to contribute to The Rotary Foundation. Likewise, he acknowledged all the clubs that supported the 1st ever PESETS and DISTAS via social media and the host clubs RC Malolos and Cauayan. He requested the Rotarians to carry-out kick-off activities (a) plant fruit bearing trees and vegetables; (b) donation of hand sanitation facilities in public areas (c) disinfection of public places and (d) feed 1 child for 1 year. This feeding program is what PRIP Mat Caparas (the only Filipino RI President) requested DG Dindo when they met in USA last January 2020. (PRIP Mat Caparas passed away last July 15, 2020). Furthermore, he campaigned for the continuous support to the End Polio Campaign and contribution to the Rotary Foundation.


After his address, DG Dindo inducted into office Rtn. Reynaldo Odulio, Jr. as President of RC Cabanatuan North. Likewise, district officers present were also sworn into office.


Senior Deputy District Governor Rudy Enriquez delivered the closing remarks. He expressed his heartfelt thanks and gratitude to those who participated in the district induction and hand over.

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