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True to the Rotary International credo of creating opportunities and opening doors, despite the challenges of today’s circumstances, the Rotary Club District 3770 held its first ever online Presidents Elect Secretaries Elect District Training Seminar (PESETS) last June 6, 2020.  The event was hosted by the Rotary Club of Malolos and was live streamed to be made accessible to different districts in North Luzon.


Held and shot in Regina Asumpta Kids Academy Inc., the makeshift studio was arranged in order to follow the prescribed safety protocols against COVID-19. The event program started with the district governor Jon Alonzo, Jr. formally calling the PESETS 2020 to order, followed by an opening prayer led by Rotarian Tess Gan of Malolos. After the national anthem, President Elect Romy Lazaro led and recited the Rotary’s guiding four-way test of the things we think, say or do: Is it the truth? Is it fair to all concerned? Will it be in good will and better friendship? Will it be beneficial to all concerned?

The PESETs, according to PDG Nonette Tiam, is one of the important district event for the Presidents and Secretaries as it teaches club leaders to do something for their district to enable a sustainable growth for its current as well as its future members.


“This is the best time to really check, [to] see the opportunity to help people. We were given this opportunity to help, especially in this pandemic times. Binigay na sa’tin ang pagkakataong makatulong, this is the best time to work together, hand-in-hand, and to be the true Rotarians that we are projecting to other people.” as DG Jon Alonzo says.

“Let’s seek out new ways to translate our expertise into making a difference – in our communities and across the globe. Let’s prove that our impact on the world has only just begun,” challenged by plenary speaker Rolando “Oyan” Villanueva.

People from Bulacan to Batanes tuned in to the training despite their busy schedules, a testament to the great values a Rotarian who goes out of their way to learn something new, and to help others.


District Governor-Elect Gil Dindo Berino spoke in the seminar and reminded the viewers to seize opportunities that come their way, and to become more resourceful to overcome and adapt to new challenges, such as increasing online presence and partnering with media outlets to feature the Rotary’s projects.


The PESETS 2020 was divided into three plenary sessions: Rotary Club Central/Rotary Citation, Rotary Strategic Plan, and Governor’s Visit. The event started at around 9:00 am. To make the event more fun, online raffles and games were held and prizes were given out to the winners. The PESETS 2020 was formally adjourned at around 4:00 pm.


Indeed, the pandemic has continuously presented challenges to everyone worldwide, but all these are nothing a true Rotarian cannot withstand. In the nature and spirit of the Rotary’s guiding principles and with the help of everyone in the district and the club, no challenge is too hard to handle. We welcome change with open arms and together, help all those in our community and lift them up to serve others further.       


DPIC Luwee Carrasco




Last June 27, 2020 to be completely prepared for the brand-new Rotary Year, the Rotary International District 3770 held its District Training Assembly at Regina Assumpta Kids Academy, Inc. (RAKA) at Cabanatuan City and it was hosted by the Rotary Club of Cauayan. Still embracing the ‘new normal,’ same as the last event of the district, PESETS, it was also live streamed to be conveniently accessible to the different clubs of the district.

Learned from the first online event conducted by the district, the green screen studio at RAKA was improved and still follow the safety protocols against COVID-19.


The event formally started at around 9:00 am with a Call to Order by the District Governor Jon Alonzo, Jr. It was followed by an opening prayer by Sec. Chris Macadangdang of RC Cauayan and District’s AVP of the National Anthem. After that, PN Nino Zayco led and recited the Rotary’s guiding four-way test: Is it the truth? Is it fair to all concerned? Will it be in good will and better friendship? Will it be beneficial to all concerned?

The DISTAS 2020 was divided into seven plenary sessions: Rotary Branding and People of Action, The Rotary Foundation Zone Goals, Every Rotarian's Dream to End Polio Now, District Membership Goals, RI President's Theme, and Rotary's Different Club Models.


According to PDG Virgilio Farcon, DISTAS is one of the way to inform our club members that in order to achieve the district’s goals, the Governor and the Club leaders cannot do this alone, members are also frontliners of the ditrict’s journey and as DGE Dindo Berino said, “With you [Rotarians] walking with me, we will be able to break the record.”

Beginning the plenary sessions, Rotarians are challenged by the first speaker, ARPIC Lzl Ampatuan, she said, “Talk and share Rotary. Share our Rotary stories. We are the brand champion. We are the Rotary brand ambassador. We are the walking billboards of the Rotary.”


The event’s host club also prepared lots items for the online raffle to make the training assembly more fun and exciting. Also, after the morning sessions, there’s a quiz held to recap the topics discussed by the speakers. The winners won some special prizes.


Despite the busy schedules, far distances and the challenges brought by the pandemic, Rotarians didn’t fail to show their support to the district’s event. As PDG Corina Tengco-Bautista said, “To conquer the distance we must maintain with us digital technology that allows greater clarity and embracing camaraderie that touches on every man’s desire to foster change and service to mankind.”


Help and inspire those who are in need in the community and encourage them to also inspire others. Truly, Rotary opens opportunities to everyone in the world and there’s no better stewardship than the Rotary Foundation because ROTARIANS ARE PEOPLE OF SERVICE. ROTARIANS ARE PEOPLE OF ACTION.

DPIC Luwee Carrasco

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